Site Development

Site Development

Engineering Design & Site Development

West Highway 84
Fairfield, TX

Production planning with coordination with local codes. Construction of 16 pump gasoline station and convenience store. Project in coordination with Texas Department of Transportation.

Commercial Properties

CF Hawn Freeway
Dallas, TX


Planning for site development of a truck service and storage facility. Complex design built to resist flood threat. 


Seagoville Road Dallas, TX

Engineering design and plan production for site development for a new subdivision with 35 lots.

CC Motel in La Paz, Bolivia (South America)

Design build 40,000 sq ft 2 story commercial building located in a soil high tis zone affected by underground streams. Designed and built using a stable semi-cofferdam foundation containing unstable effects surrounding foot-print of the building.


World Trade Center La Paz, Bolivia (South America)

Serving as technical director for the 600 Million 56 story high rise WTC Tower, retail stores and supermarket with underground parking.